Street Portraits

Tom ( TBow ) Bowden’s love of photography began in his teens and continued in college while studying advertising, photography and psychology. During and after college he gained experience as a photographer and producer at a local NBC Television Station. Early on, in High School TBow saw the Diane Arbus photograph, Child with Toy Hand Grenade. “After that, there was never any doubt. I felt a spark and I think I became a bit obsessed.” In recent years, as a photographer, producer and consultant TBow has worked with clients worldwide. His work can be viewed on this website, in newspapers and magazines internationally and in his book, Encounters: Portraits of Americans - Published by Daylight Books and available online at Amazon and from the author. See TBow’s contact info in the “Schedule a Consultation” link on this website.

Some Recent Published Work:

“Extravagant Street Fashion from People Living on the Margins of the USA,” Huck Magazine, London 2024

“Election Night 2024 in Houston, Texas, Huck Magazine, London 2024

“Streets of New Orleans”, Lens Culture Editors Pick USA, 2024

“Inside a Texan Neighborhood Mexican Wrestling Club,” Huck Magazine, London 2023

“Couples,” I-d Magazine, VICE Media, London 2023

FotoFest Exhibition @ MOMA, Tibilsi, Georgia 2023

“Surreal Portraits of Americans, Up Close and Personal,” Huck Magazine, London, England 2023

“Americans On The Edge in Pictures,” The Guardian, London, England 2022

“Encounters, Portraits of Americans,” L’Oeil de la Photoraphie, Paris, France 2022

“Gesichter Amerikas,” Cover and Feature Story, Foto Magazin, Hamburg, Germany 2022

“Extravagants et émouvants, des Portraits d’Américains pris aux quatre coins du pays,” Arts Konbini, France 2022


“TBow’s work is excellent and evocative and beautiful. His photographs are stunning in their power to hold our attention and tug at our hearts and minds, stopping us in our tracks and helping us appreciate these people who we might have passed on the street without a second thought.” Maggie Steber

“From snake handlers to street musicians - via a visit from Batwoman - Tom Bowden’s pictures allow us a glimpse at his subject’s souls.” The Guardian

“The pictures are a celebration of colorful, characterful individuals. As someone who always engages with his subjects, TBow likes to learn about their lives and stories before capturing as much of their personality through the lens of his camera.” Isaac Muk / Huck Magazine

“TBow engages with his subjects on the street photographing in a unique participatory style, often recording life stories from the people he photographs. His work reveals a compassion for his subjects and transports viewers into his sometimes brutal, poignant and marvelous world.” DePaola Pictures / Hollywood / NYC

All work © copyright T.Bowden Productions, Inc.




